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Chisel your jawline with effective double chin removal in Solana Beach, CA

When you see pictures of yourself or FaceTime your kids, grandkids, or parents and notice that your chin is making you look larger than you are, it’s likely because you have something called submental fullness, or a double chin. In the past, treatment options for removal of submental fullness were limited and typically involved surgical procedures, but thanks to modern dermatological advances, your double chin can be treated with a new product called Kybella. Dr. Amanda Lloyd at the Skin & Vein Institute near Solana Beach, CA is an expert at using this highly effective treatment to chisel patients’ jawlines to leave them feeling confident in their appearance again.
Double Chin Removal in Solana Beach CA area

What is Kybella?

Kybella is FDA-approved as the first and only double chin treatment that is injectable. It is a cosmetic treatment made from a material called deoxycholic acid, which dissolves the fat that is located under your jaw, creating the appearance of a double chin. Deoxycholic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the human body, which is part of why Kybella is so effective – it harnesses your body’s natural fat-reduction methods to eliminate submental fullness, leaving you with beautiful results without looking like you’ve had “work done.” After the fat is dissolved, it is then taken up by your body and excreted through natural biochemical pathways, using a similar process as the one that occurs when you eat a cheeseburger or French fries. For patients who feel that their submental fullness is making them look heavier or older than they are and for whom exercise, and diet have not been effective at reducing fat in the area, Kybella can be a terrific treatment option.

What to expect at your Kybella treatment session

Kybella treatment session in Solana Beach CA area
The Kybella treatment procedure is minimally-invasive and virtually painless. Patients love the benefits of Kybella:

  • There is no cutting or surgery involved
  • There is very little recovery afterwards
  • It uses a substance naturally occurring in your body for optimal results
  • Typically, only one treatment is needed
  • It is permanent – say goodbye to that double chin for life!
  • The treatment can make you look younger and thinner

When you arrive at the Skin & Vein Institute you will have numbing cream applied to your neck. Then, you will be treated with Kybella, which involves a few injections in strategic locations under your chin. In most patients, two treatment sessions two months apart is enough to rid yourself of that double chin.

Most patients notice results from the treatment after about four to six weeks because the deoxycholic acid needs time to work, but it is worth the wait. Many people are pleased with the results they have from Kybella after one treatment session and the results last for many years because the fat cells do not come back after they are destroyed. Therefore, most patients require only one treatment session; however, sometimes, multiple treatments are required, depending on the severity of the submental fullness. Dr. Lloyd can consult with you on how many treatments you will need to achieve the results you are seeking.

There are very few side effects to Kybella and there’s really no downside to fixing your double chin. Most patients have no side effects, but if you do, they are typically mild. The most common side effects are tenderness or swelling after the injections. The swelling resolves after a couple of days, as well as the tenderness.

Learn more about Kybella and whether it is right for you

Kybella is right for you in Solana Beach CA area
If you are looking to make a change and create a more defined jawline, then Kybella may be the choice for you! Dr. Lloyd examines each patient in a one-on-one consultation and discusses your cosmetic goals with you, provides treatment recommendations, and answers your questions. If Kybella is not the best option for your body or treatment preferences, Dr. Lloyd can suggest other options that are better suited for your unique needs.

Stop avoiding the camera and regain your self-confidence! Give us a call at the Skin & Vein Institute to learn more about Kybella and what it can do for you to regain your jawline. Our office, conveniently located in Encinitas, CA near Solana Beach, can be reached at (760) 642-6674 or email [email protected].

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Meet Dr. Amanda Lloyd


Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Amanda Lloyd has expertise ranging from cosmetic to cancerous. After completing her Bachelor’s degree, Medical Degree and Dermatology residency, she established the Skin & Vein Institute in Encinitas, CA. She is an authority on cosmetic dermatology and injectables, laser therapies, venous disease treatments and skin cancer surgery with cosmetic reconstruction. Additional training with Mohs Surgery and cosmetic dermatology fellowship, many published articles and textbook chapters have enhanced her profile.

Dr. Lloyd’s well-rounded approach to skin care, health, and appearance and membership in many dermatology associations have gained her respect among peers. She regularly lectures her peers at the dermatologic national meetings.

She has earned her patients trust as a dermatology authority who wants to make them look their best so they Look Stunning, Always.

Meet the Doctor