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Treatment for Melasma and is it Cancerous

The most common question people have when receiving a diagnosis of melasma is "is melasma cancerous"? No, melasma isn't cancerous; it is a gray or dark brown coloration of the skin that generally affects parts of the face exposed to the sun, such as your cheeks, forehead, and upper lip. It is primarily a result of the melanin in your skin, and the larger the melanin baseline is in the skin, the higher the likelihood of experiencing melasma.
Is Melasma Cancerous in Encinitas CA Area
Certain health conditions may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, making you more prone to developing melasma. Additionally, hormonal changes, including pregnancy and birth control pills, can cause melasma. The treatment for melasma depends on the cause, so before Dr. Amanda Lloyd begins treatment, she will first determine the cause. The most common treatment options for melasma are available at the Skin & Vein Institute in Encinitas, California.

Treatment for Melasma

In some cases, melasma's brown/gray patches may fade on their own, primarily when it occurs due to a specific trigger, such as birth control or pregnancy. There are several treatment options available, including:

  • Hydroquinone-This is often the first line of treatment recommended by dermatologists. Hydroquinone is available as a gel, cream, liquid, or lotion that you apply to your skin, and it works by lightening the darker patches on the skin.
  • Corticosteroids and tretinoin-Dr. Amanda Lloyd may recommend a second medication, such as corticosteroid or tretinoin, also known as retinoic acid. Corticosteroids will help reduce inflammation of the skin, which may reduce the risk of dermatitis. Tretinoin works by lightening your skin and replacing the older skin with new, fresh skin.
  • Procedures-Dr. Lloyd may also recommend one or more in-office procedures. Some of the most common types of in-office methods for the treatment of melasma may include laser treatment with the Permea, Clear and Brilliant, or Fraxel Dual.
Although melasma may be challenging to get rid of, and it may take a few months of dermatology treatment, most people with melasma have a good outcome under the care of a dermatologist. It is necessary to follow your dermatologist's advice to get the most significant benefits from your treatment. Once your melasma has cleared, you will need to continue treating your skin (maintenance therapy) to prevent it from returning. It is a chronic condition that will never resolve completely.

Contact Dr. Amanda Lloyd at the Skin & Vein Institute in Encinitas, CA, to learn more about melasma treatment or schedule a consultation. We can be reached by phone at (760) 452-2080 or by email at [email protected].

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Meet Dr. Amanda Lloyd


Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Amanda Lloyd has expertise ranging from cosmetic to cancerous. After completing her Bachelor’s degree, Medical Degree and Dermatology residency, she established the Skin & Vein Institute in Encinitas, CA. She is an authority on cosmetic dermatology and injectables, laser therapies, venous disease treatments and skin cancer surgery with cosmetic reconstruction. Additional training with Mohs Surgery and cosmetic dermatology fellowship, many published articles and textbook chapters have enhanced her profile.

Dr. Lloyd’s well-rounded approach to skin care, health, and appearance and membership in many dermatology associations have gained her respect among peers. She regularly lectures her peers at the dermatologic national meetings.

She has earned her patients trust as a dermatology authority who wants to make them look their best so they Look Stunning, Always.

Meet the Doctor