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best dermatologist center Skin & Vein Institute in Encinitas, CA

Benefits of Sculptra Treatment and how it works!

With everyone trying to maintain that perfect skin, many procedures have been introduced in the cosmetic industry. Sculptra is one of the treatments trending in Encinitas, California, for its ability to restore aging skin and reduce lines naturally. Although initially designed for facial skin, Sculptra injections can also be performed on other body areas, including butt, hip, elbows, knees, neck, and chest. Dr. Amanda Lloyd of Skin & Vein Institute is experienced in performing this procedure and is always ready to restore the integrity of your skin. Let's look at how the Sculptra injection works and its benefits to qualifying residents of Encinitas, California.
Sculptra Injection Benefits in Encinitas CA Area

How Sculptra works

Sculptra is a wrinkle-reducing treatment that is injected into the skin. The injection contains poly-L-lactic acid, a collagen stimulator that helps restore fullness to facial wrinkles and folds over time, resulting in smoother and more youthful skin. It is a biostimulatory agent that serves as a lattice to stimulate your body to make your natural collagen. The maximum results of the treatment may take a few months to be realized because your body takes time to build its own collagen.

When you visit Skin & Vein Institute for your Sculptra treatment, Dr. Lloyd will discuss the number of Sculptra treatment sessions you need to have optimal results. Either way, the standard initial regimen involves three injections given over a spread-out period of four months to boost your collagen production.

Sculptra treatment Before and After Images

Duing your first appointment, you'll be required to provide your complete medical background, including any medical problems or allergies. Dr. Lloyd will map the injection sites on your skin and cleanse the area. A particular topical anesthetic may be used to alleviate any discomfort that may occur during the procedure. After that, Dr. Lloyd will treat the skin with a series of small injections.

What are the benefits of Sculptra treatments?

  • It's a non-invasive and non-surgical procedure, meaning minimal downtime and quick recovery.
  • Completely natural treatment as it's all your collagen.
  • It reduces lines and improves skin texture and health by boosting collagen production.
  • The results are gradual; thus, no one will notice a sudden change that may indicate you went for a restoration treatment.
  • The effects are long-lasting (up to 2 years) compared to other remedies.

Visit us today!

At Skin & Vein Institute, we care about the appearance of your skin, and we offer a full range of skin restoration procedures and treatments, Sculptra injection being one of them. If you live in Encinitas, CA, or the surrounding areas and need a skin care solution that perfectly fits your needs, call our office at (760) 452-2080 or email [email protected] to schedule your consultation today!

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Meet Dr. Amanda Lloyd


Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Amanda Lloyd has expertise ranging from cosmetic to cancerous. After completing her Bachelor’s degree, Medical Degree and Dermatology residency, she established the Skin & Vein Institute in Encinitas, CA. She is an authority on cosmetic dermatology and injectables, laser therapies, venous disease treatments and skin cancer surgery with cosmetic reconstruction. Additional training with Mohs Surgery and cosmetic dermatology fellowship, many published articles and textbook chapters have enhanced her profile.

Dr. Lloyd’s well-rounded approach to skin care, health, and appearance and membership in many dermatology associations have gained her respect among peers. She regularly lectures her peers at the dermatologic national meetings.

She has earned her patients trust as a dermatology authority who wants to make them look their best so they Look Stunning, Always.

Meet the Doctor