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Your five-minute night time beauty routine explained

Not all skin is created equal. Skin types differ in color, texture, tone, and thickness as well as how they react to the elements. Individual physiology has a lot to do with one’s skin and its health.

Your Five-minute Night Time Beauty Routine Explained by Encinitas Dermatologist in Encinitas CA area

Despite all this, it is within our means to take proper care of our skin so that we can minimize the damaging effects of aging, chemicals and the environment. A proper skin care regimen is a must; even if you don’t spend a fortune, a little care will go a long way in fighting the ravages of time.

Sunscreen in the morning is a must and a simple routine for the night is essential so the skin can repair itself. Our skin repairs and rejuvenates itself at night, so providing it with proper nourishment at this time is vital.

Your routine doesn’t need to take up much time, we are all busy! Five minutes or less is more than adequate. Here are the simple steps to be followed:

  • Wash your face and neck with a good cleanser, something that is not drying to your skin.
  • Put on retinoid. This requires a prescription and is a medical grade derivative of vitamin A which boosts skin health and prevents premature aging.
  • Allow for DNA repair. Dr. Lloyd has finally found a product that can help with this called Root of Skin!
  • Use a good moisturizer to replenish and nourish the skin.
  • A gentle eye cream should be used to ensure the health and beauty of eyes.

If you still have questions or want product recommendations tailored to your skin type, please call (760) 642-6674 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. Amanda Lloyd.


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Meet Dr. Amanda Lloyd


Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Amanda Lloyd has expertise ranging from cosmetic to cancerous. After completing her Bachelor’s degree, Medical Degree and Dermatology residency, she established the Skin & Vein Institute in Encinitas, CA. She is an authority on cosmetic dermatology and injectables, laser therapies, venous disease treatments and skin cancer surgery with cosmetic reconstruction. Additional training with Mohs Surgery and cosmetic dermatology fellowship, many published articles and textbook chapters have enhanced her profile.

Dr. Lloyd’s well-rounded approach to skin care, health, and appearance and membership in many dermatology associations have gained her respect among peers. She regularly lectures her peers at the dermatologic national meetings.

She has earned her patients trust as a dermatology authority who wants to make them look their best so they Look Stunning, Always.

Meet the Doctor